Naval Base Kitsap (NBK) Keyport occupies 340 acres (including tidelands) adjacent to the town of Keyport in Kitsap County, Washington. It sits on a small peninsula in the central portion of Puget Sound, bordered by Liberty Bay on the east and north and Port Orchard Inlet on the southeast.
The Keyport property was acquired by the Navy in 1913 with property acquisition continuing through World War II. The property has been used as a quiet-water range for torpedo testing and for manufacturing and fabrication of torpedo and various undersea warfare weapons and systems engineering and development activities. Operations currently include engineering, fabrication, assembly, and testing of underwater weapons systems.
In October 1989, NBK Keyport was officially listed on the National Priorities List and became a Superfund site. The NBK Keyport Superfund site is separated into two Operable Units (OUs) for management of cleanup activities. The currently active Superfund sites at NBK Keyport include the following:
- OU 1, Area 1 - Former Landfill (Record of Decision [ROD] signed/remediation initiated - 1998)
- OU 2 (ROD signed/remediation initiated - 1994), including:
- Area 2 - Van Meter Road Spill/Drum Storage Area
- Area 8 - Plating Shop Waste/Oil Spill Area