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Natural Resources



This website provides public access to the Natural Resources Program for all our sites in the Northwest’s area of responsibility, which includes:  Alaska, Idaho, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, and Wyoming.
The Natural Resources Branch continues to sustain mission readiness through implementation of each installations' Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP).  The Sikes Act requires all military lands with natural resources to develop and implement an INRMP which are to protect and preserve those resources while ensuring no loss to military mission or training.  Each installations’ INRMP includes information specific to that installations natural resources, i.e. endangered species present and how their habitat(s) are managed; management of land and near shore sustainment through invasive species control, erosion control of streams and shoreline; a forestry program which looks at limited harvesting of merchantable timber and habitat enhancement and wildland fire prevention; and other legal requirements to meet the operational and training mission needs of the installations and Fleets.  These environmental services employ protective measures in the air, on land, and at sea to reduce environmental effects from military training and testing activities.  Natural Resources personnel are focused on ensuring mission flexibility through continued sustainment of the nation’s natural resources while balancing the demands of operational and training requirements.
There are a number of major Federal laws that directly impact how we manage Navy lands and natural resources; as mentioned above, the overarching law for us in Natural Resources is the Sikes Act (16 U.S.C. §670(a)-670(o)). 
Other Federal laws, we comply with daily are:

  • Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. §1531 et seq.) – The purpose of this Act is to protect listed (endangered and threatened) species and the critical habitats upon which they depend on, both on land and on the high seas.

  • Marine Mammal Protection Act (16 U.S.C. §1361-1407) – This Act prohibits, with certain exceptions, the "take" of marine mammals in U.S. waters and by U.S. citizens on the high seas, and the importation of marine mammals and marine mammal products into the U.S.

  • Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (16 U.S.C. §668-668d) – This law provides for the protection of the bald and golden eagles by prohibiting the take, possession, sale, purchase, barter, offer to sell, purchase or barter, transport, export or import, of any bald or golden eagle, alive or dead, including any part, nest, or egg, unless allowed by permit (16 U.S.C. 668(a) and 50 C.F.R. 22).

  • Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16 U.S.C. §703-712) – This multi-national law makes it illegal for anyone to take, possess, import, export, transport, sell, purchase, barter, or offer for sale, purchase, or barter, any migratory bird, or the parts, nests, or eggs of such a bird except under the terms of a valid permit issued in accordance with Federal regulations. The migratory bird species protected by the Act are listed in 50 C.F.R. 10.13.


Guiding Documents 

INRMP for Naval Station Everett

    Installation Natural Resources Management Plans


DoD 2015

     SEAFAC, Alaska - Draft under development 


DoD 4715.03

     Remote Alaska - Draft under development 



     Bayview, Idaho


Sikes Act Implementation

     NRTF Lamoure, N. Dakota - Draft under development 





















      Manchester Fuel Depot, WA 



     NAVSTA Everett, WA



     NAVBASE Kitsap




     Pacific Beach, WA






     NRS(T) Jim Creek






                    OTHER REPORTS



     Amphibian & Reptile Biodiversity on DOD Installations



     DOD Amphibian & Reptile Strategic Plan



     DOD PARC 2016 Final Report



     Navy Murrelet Final Report 2012



     Navy Murrelet Final Report 2013



     Navy Murrelet Final Report 2014



     Navy Murrelet Final Report 2015



     2013-2016 T&E Survey











2017 Bangor Seine Final

     2015-2016 Beach Seine Survey

2017 Beach Seine Final


     2017 Beach Seine Final


2017 Manchester Seine Final



2017 Zelatched Point Seine Final





2017 Lake Hancock Seine Final



2017 Whidbey Seine Final

NBK Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan - September 2018

We also support the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) program, which is responsible for considering environmental consequences of proposed actions before decisions are made and actions are taken.  This link to the NEPA Documents webpage will take you to that page which lists current and completed environmental assessments and environmental impact statements.    

Cultural Resources Program webpage contains information about histrionic buildings, archaeological sites and Traditional Cultural Properties.

Thank-you for visiting our website. 

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