The U.S. Navy, working in cooperation with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) to evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with a proposed military training airspace extension in northeastern Washington State.
CLICK HERE to download the Final EA
CLICK HERE to download the FONSI
Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
Based on the analysis presented in the Final EA; consideration of public comments received on the Draft EA and potential impacts on historic properties; and in coordination with the FAA, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington State Historic Preservation Office, and federally recognized tribes, the Navy has determined that implementation of its Preferred Alternative (Alternative 1) would not significantly impact the quality of the human or natural environment. As a result, an Environmental Impact Statement will not be prepared.
Proposed Action
The Proposed Action includes the establishment of new military training airspace by the FAA adjacent and west of existing military airspace and would include the redistribution of where current training flights occur within the overall airspace. The total area of the proposed airspace extension would be approximately 393 square nautical miles. The Navy’s Preferred Alternative (Alternative 1) does not include an increase in the number of flights, only an extension of the horizontal and vertical area and the redistribution of where training flights occur within the overall airspace.